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16 Okt 2008

Apabila Iraq dan Afghanistan diserang, Anwar jadi Office Boy Amerika

Apabila Iraq dan Afghanistan diserang, Anwar jadi Office Boy Amerika

Oleh AhmadHadeed, Al Muslimin

Mungkin anda mengatakan keterlaluan apabila saya berkata begitu tetapi itu lah hakikatnya. Akibat desakan hidup kerana baru keluar dari penjara akibat di fitnah, Anwar mencari kerja di Universiti America sebagai pensyarah dan mengambil bahagian dalam forum dan seminar untuk menjustifikasi dasar USA mengeksport demokrasi secara paksa ke Iraq , Afghanistan dan mengikut perancangan ke seluruh dunia ummat Islam.

Anwar begitu aktif di forum yang di sponsor oleh parti republikan dan neo con untuk menceritakan betapa teruknya dasar negara ummat Islam dan betapa perlunya democracy disebarkan ke negara ummat Islam.

Di antaranya ucapannya dalam forum anjuran Parti Republikan laknatullah di USA, President International Republican Institute Center .

Semua ini berlaku semasa USA telah kehabisan peluru untuk menjajah penduduk Islam Iraq dan Afghanistan dan yang tinggal hanya peluru perang psikologi ke atas minda ummat Islam kelas menengah dan liberal yang mungkin lebih susceptible kepada idea yang liberal.

Sekarang Anwar berada di Malaysia namun laras bahasanya berbalut sedikit supaya tidak nampak sangat beliau adalah sealiran dengan kawan kawannya di America. Mungkin di Malaysia Anwar telah menemui troskyte dan neo con tempatan yang sudah begitu tidak puas hati dengan apa yang ada di bumi Ummat Islam Malaysia.

Rencana ini ditulis supaya kita mengenal dengan sebenarnya bakal PM yang bercita cita untuk berfungsi bila bila masa lagi.

Dibawah ini ucapan President International Republican Institute Center for the Study of Islam & Democracy mengalu alukan pembentang kertas kerja Anwar Ibrahim dalam forum yang sama sebagai tetamu kehormat :

Democracy in the Muslim World: Achievements and the Road Ahead By Lorne Craner, President International Republican Institute Center for the Study of Islam & Democracy Sixth Annual Conference April, 22, 2005

I want to start by saying thank you to Radwan and to the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy (CSID), and to let you all know that it has always been a pleasure to be associated with you and your very fine work. I very much appreciate the opportunity to speak again this evening.

I say again because two years ago, when I was assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights and labor, I had the pleasure of addressing this conference. I then had the honor of being on the same platform as Saad Edin Ibrahim.

Tonight, I am on the same platform as Anwar Ibrahim. The best part of being in my line of work is the people you get to meet, the heroes of our time.

Anwar Ibrahim is a hero of our time. I also have the pleasure this evening of following Gretchen Birkle. Gretchen and I have had the opportunity now to work together twice, first at the International Republican Institute (IRI) and then at the State Department.

You will not find a more intelligent or passionate advocate for democracy than Gretchen. And if you doubt that change is possible, speak to Gretchen, who labored for many years to bring democracy to Ukraine. I would follow Gretchen anywhere.

When I spoke before you two years ago, it was a very different time. In early 2003, those of us who believed freedom and democracy could come to the Muslim world were regarded as an oddity, and we were still trying to justify our point of view.

There was a ferocious debate, from Washington to the Middle East, about the compatibility of Islam and democracy. There was little reason to be optimistic about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Many people said our invasion of Iraq had so damaged America’s reputation that Washington’s talk of human rights actually hurt the cause. Even aside from Iraq, skepticism about the U.S. commitment to promoting democracy and human rights in the Muslim world was widespread.

In my May 2003 speech, I said that Washington’s policy change favoring human rights and democracy in the region was not a passing fad, that we would remain committed.

To those who doubted the compatibility of Islam and democracy, I recalled how, in Latin America and Central Europe and Asia and elsewhere, we who believed in democracy faced great skepticism from “regional experts” who told us, “it [democracy] can’t happen here.”

Well, anyone who still believes democracy can’t happen in the Middle East has been asleep these past two years. Tonight, I want to note briefly some of important events, achievements, since my last speech before you. I’m not going to talk as a triumphalist, because we have a long way to go. So I also want to talk about what I think needs to be emphasized on the road ahead.

Nota : Al Muslimin adalah NGO Islam - Membela Ummah dan Mustadafeen. Laman Web Al Muslimin adalah portal berita dan komunikasi untuk membincangkan isu berkaitan ummah dan mustadafeen. Matlamat kami ia penyatuan ummah dan menegakkan kebenaran Islam. Al Muslimin juga adalah tempat pertemuan Ummah di alam cyber untuk meningkatkan ukhwah Islamiyah.

sumber - Al Muslimin

Baca artikel lain tulisan AhmadHadeed :

1. Persepsi terhadap Anwar 10 tahun dahulu

2. Malaysia Baru Anwar : Zul Nordin mangsa pertama

3. Kerana Amerika, Anwar sanggup burukkan Islam

4. 10 sifat Anwar yang bahaya kepada umat Islam

5. Rampasan kuasa : Anwar tak perlu heret Yang Dipetuan Agong

6. Anwar suka cakap besar

7. Taktik Peperangan Anwar Ibrahim

8. Anwar dengan politik casanova

9. Anwar tak layak jadi ahli politik Malaysia

10. Estada kawan rapat Anwar gesa perang besar ke atas MILF

11. Anwar Ibrahim: Dari pejuang Islam ke pejuang sekular

12. AL-MUSLIMIN: Analisa Politik Ummah Semakin Menarik

2 ulasan:

Ahmad Zack berkata...


Bro Anu War ni dah dekat-dekat macam Mustafa Kemal At-Tartuk ni... agaknya apalah nasib Islam dan umatnya bila dia ni jadi PM...


Tanpa Nama berkata...

hehe jadi office boy kat us...balik Malaysia cari banyak-banyak coffee boy.Buat lepas geram hehe
Mustafa Kamal Attartuk dalam pembikinan...lari pun ke kedutaan Turki..faham-faham je la haha