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30 Jul 2009

DNA : Teoh vs Saiful

Who said the Magistrates Inquest into the death of Teoh Beng Hock is not public? The whole world was there this morning when the inquest opened. But most surprisingly Gobind Singh Deo, the family's lawyer asked for a post ponement to study documents and what not. Postponement has been granted until 5th August.

This reminds me of the Anwar Ibrahim sodomy case. Anwar is asking for this and that which is also delaying his sodomy trial.

Since both are high profile cases involving Pakatan political parties, one would assume that those who wish to embarass the Government would want to expedite the cases.

Anyway there are some extremely interesting developments in the Teoh Beng Hock inquest.

I have taken the following factual report from a certain website :

Mahkamah hari ini diberitahu terdapat dua profil DNA di belakang kot yang dipakai Teoh ketika kematiannya. Satu dikenal pasti milik mangsa dan satu lagi bukan milik mangsa. Kenyataan ini dinyatakan oleh Tan Hock Chuan, peguam yang mewakili Kerajaan Malaysia. Manakala di tali pinggang mangsa, ada tiga profil DNA, satu milik si mati, satu pemilik yang tidak diketahui (sama seperti di kot) dan satu lagi yang belum diketahui. Tan juga berkata, sebanyak 102 DNA yang diambil daripada individu bagi memastikan sama ada ia berpadanan dengan DNA yang tidak diketahui di kot dan di tali pinggang mangsa. Gobin Singh Deo yang mendakwa dirinya menjadi peguam pemerhati keluarga Teoh memohon kebenaran mahkamah untuk menangguhkan inkues ini untuk memberi masa kepada pihaknya meneliti semua dokumen berkaitan dengan kematian Teoh.

So there was DNA residue from TWO different people on the back of Teoh's jacket (one of which was from Teoh). And there was DNA residue from THREE different people on Teoh's belt (only one of which was from Teoh).

In their investigations, the Forensics have taken 102 DNA samples to prepare for this case. That must be from quite a few people too. The Prime Minister's promise to leave no stone unturned to get to the bottom of Teoh's death seems to be quite true.

Now here is something extremely very interesting. Two people who have been investigated in this case have refused to give their DNA samples to Police. Their names are flying around in the smses and I cannot mention them. Most strangely their lawyers (who are apparently party members) have advised them against giving their DNA samples. Why?

On the contrary all the MACC personnel have willingly given their DNA samples to the Police Forensics without any fear.

This is quite strange. Everyone wants a speedy resolution of this inquest, especially Teoh's family. But the delays and postponements have also started. Now we have party lawyers advising certain folks NOT to give their DNA samples.

How will that lead to a speedy conclusion of the inquest into Teoh's death?

source - outsyed the box

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