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4 Jul 2009

Anwar and Munich ? read private meeting

Gambar ini di emel oleh seorang sahabat lama yang telah ke Munich menziarahi Anwar yang sedang menjalani rawatan di sana. Selama ini kita dimomokkan dengan gambar Anwar berkerusi roda, dipapah, muka berkerut kesakitan ketika menjalani rawatan di sana, tetapi gambar ini menunjukkan versi yang berbeza. Foto ini disebarkan oleh blogger x-pkr

sumber - egroup aidc

Re: Anwar and Munich ? read private meeting


Saya amat setuju dengan cadangan Dr Zainuddin. Saya juga tahu Dr N Shinah telah lakukan secara berkala via email sebelum ini. Usaha ini amat baik dan perlu diperluaskan. Kalau semakin ramai tenaga ikhlas spt dr z & dr nshinah, dengan sebaran email-email kepada rakan-rakan dan kenalan terdekat, sudah tentu akan lebih tersebar dengan cepat.

Persoalan yang timbul, kenapa hanya dr z & dr nshinah sahaja? Kenapa tidak yang lain. Kalau kita yakin Anwar adalah 'agen' yang bahaya kepada agama dan negara kita harus melaku bersama-sama. lagi ramai lagi cepat tersebar, lagi cepat orang mengenali siapa Anwar.

Modus operandi Amerika membantu Anwar sama seperti modus operandi Amerika mengangkat imej Mir Hossein Mousovi di Iran. Mereka menggunakan internet sebagai senjata. Melalui 'twiter', sebaran 'penyelewengan undi' di Iran disebarkan secara besar-besaran kepada anak muda.

Anak muda yang selama ini berada di 'alam maya' telah bangkit di jalan raya semata-mata terpengaruh dengan dissinformation (maklumat palsu) yang digerakkan oleh penyokong2 reformis, tajaan Amerika.

Jadi apa yang berlaku di Iran, kita harus bertanya, apa peranan kita untuk melumpuhkan 'Mir Hossein Mousovi' di Malaysia ? Tidak adil jika diharapkan kepada dr z & dr nshinah sahaja. Di mana peranan kita ?

Itu persoalan untuk kita sama2 renungkan. Namun begitu saya yakin, usaha murni dr z & dr nshinah akan diikuti oleh individu yang lain. Dulu saya rasa keseorangan dalam 'perjuangan' ini, kemudian, saya 'berjumpa' dengan drnshinah, kemudian 'berjumpa' lagi dengan drz, maknanya kita tidak keseorangan, semakin hari semakin ramai. Kita bergerak bersama-sama dengan satu matlamat dengan sudut pandang yang berbeza di samping berkongsi-kongsi maklumat.

Berkenaan cadangan drz, supaya kita mengutip database email pelajar/pensyarah universiti. Itu adalah cadangan yang sangat baik. Tetapi bagaimana dan siapa yang berkeupayaan untuk melakukannya.

Saya telah kutip database pegawai/kakitangan agensi kerajaan. Bukan senang untuk dapatkannya. Sesetengah pihak telah kita perolehi dan kita telah hantar mail peribadi berkenaan berita2 terkini, Anwar..sambutannya alhamdulillah..

Tetapi itulah, kena banyak bersabar, kerana untuk menghantar ke 100 email setiap hari, memerlukan tumpuan masa yang lebih dan kesabaran. Kita berusaha, kesannya kita serahkan kepadaNya.

Jadi, sekiranya saudara/saudari di sini mempunyai senarai email yang perlu dipostkan kepada mereka, insya allah, saya bersedia melakukan.

Kalau mahu bincang private pun boleh. email personal kepada saya ( atau ym(id : aidceditor)

Salute kepada drnshinah & drz di atas keyakinan dan usaha keras sauadara!


Re: [anwaribrahimdotcom] Anwar and Munich ? read private meeting

Salam to everybody.

I must tell everybody here that Anwar is very much a foreign puppet. This is very dangerous for our country. So we need to educate university students on this matter. This is a very big task for all of us.

I suggest we obtain email address of all university students so that important info could be relayed to them. Any suggestion how we go about getting those emails? Think about it.

Dr Zainudin

Anwar and Munich ? read private meeting


I was one of the many specialist-consultant doctors who treated Anwar Ibrahim at Sg. Buloh hospital. Malaysia has some of the best surgeons and physicians in the world. Our surgeons and physicians are trained in some of the most advanced centres in the world, thank you to the current government which generously supported us financially.

The FIRST-CLASS treatment and hospitality we gave Anwar at all times, and when he's admitted in Hospital Kuala Lumpur, was nothing but the best. Note that he did not deserve such special treatment in the first place. He was a prisoner. Just like the rest. But as obedient government servants, we complied with the government's decision to provide him with the best doctors in the country.

Despite the over-the-board treatment and the time we spent on him (on government's expenses), this man was never grateful.

Despite the best surgeons available in the country, he vehemently insisted on being treated "overseas". He picked Munich.

The rest is history.

Paul Wolfowitz, the war-mongering neoconservative Jew who drafted the pro-war US Foreign Policy and influenced much of the US foreign policies, met him for a lengthy time there. Paul later became President of the World Bank and "roped" in his croney Anwar to join in. What a coincidence. Who accuses others of cronyism?

The World Bank,for people's information, works hand-in-glove with IMF, and sucks nations DRY, of their natural assets and strategic industries, and lead domestic enterprises and local banks into bankrupcy,thus enabling "foreign" companies to buy them over at rock-bottom prices. Anwar worked in THAT kind of organisation.

Therefore, what nonsensical "People's Justice Party" (PKR) is he trying to build? Mission? Vision? You can guess.

Welcome to part of the NEW WORLD ORDER.

Read the books:
1. THE GLOBALISATION OF POVERTY & The New World Order, by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky.
2. High Priests of War, Michael Collins Piper

In the next 1-3 years that followed, Anwar was "roped" into various "posts" in Washington.

The "overseas medical treatment (read: to be overseas to meet up with the Washington group in private) was a Global agenda?

You bet.

Without disclosing any details, let me say one thing and one thing only - After my direct encounter with this gentleman and having followed the events that followed after his release from prison, and the countless independent articles available these days on the Global Agenda of the " J..........." and about him by independent writers around the world (who have NO self-interest ), I conclude that :

PKR should never be allowed to govern Malaysia.

It will be the end of (Malaysian) civilisation and WASHINGTON will take over surreptitiously. By the time our children and children's children realise the mistake, it'll be too late.


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