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15 Sep 2008

916 Akan Muncul Esok!

916 Akan Muncul Esok!

Apakah Anwar Ibrahim akan menjadi Perdana Menteri? Tercapaikah cita cita beliau ataupun adakah ianya akan menjadi angan angan Mat Jenin?

Dianggarkan peratusan [%] yang TIDAK yakin akan berlakunya peralihan kerajaan sudah melebihi 80%, malah dikalangan pemimpin dan ahli ahli Pakatan Rakyat itu sendiri sudah hilang keyakinan……

Blogmaster ada mendapat undangan dari seorang bekas pimpinan PKR untuk menyertai satu majlis malam esok meraikan kegagalan Anwar Ibrahim melaksanakan Nine One Six.

“Kita bermula dengan berbuka puasa, solat maghrib berjemaah, kemudian jamuan makan. Sebaik sahaja Berita jam 8 malam mengesahkan Anwar telah GAGAL mencapai cita citanya menjadi PM, kita akan melancarkan pertunjukan bunga api dihalaman rumah saya…., selepas itu teruskan majlis dengan solat isya', sunat teraweh dan witir..” demikianlah jelas seorang bekas pimpinan PKR kepada Blogmaster pagi tadi.

Bekas pimpinan PKR itu akan mengadakan majlis tersebut di banglo mewahnya yang terletak di salah sebuah Kelab Golf eksklusif di utara tanah air. Menurut beliau, pihak media juga telah diundang ke majlis tersebut disamping ramai bekas bekas pimpinan dan ahli PKR, malah ada juga yang masih menjadi pimpinan PKR di utara tanah air sudah pun mengesahkan kehadiran mereka.

Mari kita tengok siapa yang KENA….

sumber - medan-info-kita

1 ulasan:

mdz5046 berkata...

By drNAuthor Profile Page on September 15, 2008 12:19 PM

Assalamualaikum Dear Tun
You have brought a very important subject, the national integration program. With the present system of sharing power between the three major races,it barely works, even in the beginning as shown by the incidence of 13 May 1969, later some modification is included, races are not to be identified with economic achievements, a policy known as NEP was created in order to reduce disparity, economically, between the races. We start the policy with great enthusiasm, in the early seventies and now we barely reach the target of our dreams. Suddenly we realized identification of people according to races become enhanced and our wishes of national integration is actually drifting away. To echieved national integration we have to works towards making the people having the same religion, languages and culture. No assimilation is possible without similarity. No one can change their races , but they can change their religion. One can learn languages and change to adopt a different culture but ones cannot change their races. The Government should adopt dakwah with love and affection to the non muslim and muslim as the national agenda. The non muslim should be invited to embrace islam and the muslim should be invited to obey the orders of Allah. In all the national school Malay, English, Chinese, and Tamil are thought from standard one to form five. Culture can be learned through mingling between the different races and this will become much easier when everybody understand each other. Later on in Malaysia, a situation exist, where we still have different races but the majority will have the same religion, knowns many languages and adopting basically the same culture. In this situation ,we may dream of achieving national integration and the choice of leaders are no longer on the basis of race but on the basis of good qualities. During that time we do not need a party based on race and the concept of sharing power is no longer relevant. Please give thought to this, thank you and I love you.
Posted by naibnabi akhir zaman at 12:39 AM